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Pilonidal Sinus Laser Closure (SiLaC)

The pilonidal cyst is a chronic and disruptive condition of the intergluteal cleft area. This disease is 3-4 times more common in men, especially with a dark complexion, usually in the age range of 20-40. Factors such as excessive sweating, deep intergluteal cleft and dense body hair in this area, can contribute to the formation of a pilonidal cyst. Due to the long and difficult healing process, and the risk of recurrence, patients often struggle with this condition for many years, experiencing discomfort and embarrassment.

Pilonidal cyst: Causes

The exact causes of pilonidal cysts are still unclear. The most popular theory is that the pilonidal cyst forms as a result of hair trapped under the skin, caused by the forces acting during sitting down and standing up, as well as individual skin sensitivity. The condition usually manifests itself in the Sacrococcygeal area, as a lump filled with pus and hair. In young children, the causes can be different and be linked to organogenesis.

A painful problem

The location of pilonidal cysts often leads to infections, which cause forming of abscess. A painful lump will appear in the intergluteal cleft area, accompanied by redness of the skin, hard inflammatory infiltrate and often fever. There might foul-smelling pus or blood-tinged pus leaking out of the abscess. The untreated disease leads to reoccurring inflammations and infections, that often require surgical intervention.

Determining eligibility for treatment:

During the medical consultation, the doctor, based on the patient’s symptoms and the ultrasound scan, will assess the lesion and establish the final diagnosis. If the diagnosis confirms the pilonidal cyst, the doctor will assess the patient’s general health and decide about conducting a procedure, and which method is best for you.

Pilonidal cyst: Treatment

Typical treatment involves a radical removal of the cyst using different surgical techniques - from a simple removal to skin grafting. Classic surgeries are performed in the operating room under spinal or general anaesthesia followed by 2-3 days of hospital stay. Given the area of the body, where the surgery is performed, the infection rate is so high, that some surgeons tend not to close the wound with sutures and heal them by leaving the wounds open and allowing for granulation tissue to form. In such cases, the healing process can take up to a couple of months!

SiLaC laser treatment of pilonidal cyst

The latest and least invasive treatment method for a pilonidal cyst is laser ablation (SiLaC), using single-use radial fibres emitting 1470nm wavelength laser. After an incision is made in the abscess, it is drained and subsequently, upon inserting the laser fibre, the ablation of the cyst is performed. The procedure is performed under the local anaesthesia, on an outpatient basis, so the patient can go home directly after the procedure. The pain following the surgery is minor and the abscess incision wound heals within a couple of weeks. The effectiveness of the Pilonidal Sinus Laser Closure (SiLaC) is very high and exceeds the effectiveness of most of the common surgical techniques while achieving a very good cosmetic result.

Author: VenoMedica
All rights reserved.

Frequently asked questions

Procedure price
The current price is available here.

The price includes check-ups plus our guarantee of carrying out a possible reoperation if the cyst recurs within the first year after the procedure.
Do you have to make a qualifying appointment?
The standard procedure is a prior qualification for the laser treatment during consultation with Dr. Norbert Zapotoczny.

We are also prepared to set up the qualification consultation as well as perform the procedure in a single visit, for those coming from other parts of the country. If you are interested please contact our Customer Service Specialists who will provide you with detailed information and set up an appointment.
Does every type of hair cyst qualify for laser treatment?
Typically, any hair cyst qualifies for laser treatment.

The exception is an abscess or inflammation of the cyst.

In such circumstances, it all depends on the stage of the abscess. If the inflammatory cell infiltration is large but there is no drainage from the abscess, the doctor must first incise it. Then only in the next stage of the treatment the cyst can be removed.

On the other hand, if a fistula is formed and the pus is oozing out but the patient does not have severe inflammatory symptoms such as fever, the abscess will not be a contraindication for laser surgery.
How long do I have to wait for getting an appointment?
Doctor appointment availability varies a lot. Please contact our Customer Service to get detailed information on the upcoming time schedule.
Is it possible to perform the procedure on the first visit?
The standard procedure is the prior qualification for the laser method during consultation with Dr. Norbert Zapotoczny.

We are also prepared to set up the qualification consultation as well as perform the procedure in a single visit, for those coming from other parts of the country. If you are interested please contact our Customer Service Specialists who will provide you with detailed information and set up an appointment.
Is the procedure performed under anesthesia?
Laser ablation of the hair cyst is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. The procedure takes about 1 hour. The patient leaves the Medical Center on its own and there is no need for hospitalization.
How long does it take to recover?
After the procedure, patients can return to their daily activities already the next day. The wound takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal. Basic wound hygiene is required during the healing period - daily disinfection and changing of dressings.
Are there any side effects?
There is always a risk for complications after any kind of treatment. Normal complications associated with the SiLaC procedure are postoperative wound infection (which may prolong the healing period), skin burn from laser temperature, or excessive wound exudate.

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